Our work together

Individual therapy

Individual therapy in Catholic counseling is a personalized, one-on-one therapeutic approach that integrates the teachings and beliefs of the faith with evidence-based treatment. Catholic counseling aims to integrate faith and psychological well-being for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship with God. Clients seeking individual therapy may also prefer not to integrate their faith into sessions.

In all situations, we practice empirical treatments and approach the individual as whole person, addressing both their inner and outer world. It is entirely up to the client whether they prefer to engage their faith or spiritual practices in sessions.

45 mins |  $170

Reach out to inquire about sliding scale rates.

Your clinician’s areas of practice

  • Anxiety disorders create restlessness in our lives, disturb our peace, and draw us inward in ways that limit our engagement in a growth-oriented mindset. Generalized anxiety is a marked increase in frequency, duration, or intensity of worry or fear that prevents the individual from engaging in their life fully.

    OCD is a type of anxiety disorder where the individual experiences intrusive or obsessive thinking with repetitive, ritualized behaviors. These are meant to reduce the anxious thoughts & emotions, but ultimately they lead to worsening symptoms than before and create a cycle of anxiety. Religious OCD, or scrupulosity, is a subtype of OCD experienced by individuals who may or may not be active in their spiritual life, but experience obsessions about morality, sin, or virtuous living. It is essential to work with a therapist to determine whether scrupulosity is presenting as a mental health concern rather than a spiritual one, so as to treat it appropriately.

  • All of us feel down time to time. However, mood disorders are more persistent and more intense than regular mood swings. Individuals may feel “not like themselves” at time or go through phases of highs and lows. They may also experience thoughts of self-harm or suicide, but not always. It is important to work with a clinician to determine the duration of your symptoms and the degree to which your they impact your life.

  • Emotional, mental, and behavioral needs arise throughout all phases of motherhood. Whether pregnant, new to being a mom, or anywhere along your journey, you may experience a wide range of mental health needs. Most commonly, this includes postpartum depression, adjustment disorders, or perinatal mental health concerns (before and after birth).

    Throughout a fertility journey, women may experience an equally wide range of emotional and cognitive changes that may lead you to seek support. Infertility, secondary infertility, unexpected pregnancy, and miscarriage are all valid reasons to reach out to a therapist.

  • Whether you’re a college student seeking therapy, a young adult navigating the career world, or a parent moving from a familiar home for your family, transitions are hard on everyone. It’s natural and healthy to seek support in therapy for balancing life after or during major changes.

    You may also be feeling challenged in your faith. While therapy is not the same as spiritual direction, it is common for individuals to process their thoughts and emotions with a trusted therapist to explore the connections between their life and their relationship with God.

Clients from all faith backgrounds are welcome. Your clinician is faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and will approach your work together within this context. It is entirely up to client preference as to how much or how little their faith experience is incorporated into sessions.

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything, even if your whole world seems upset.”

— St. Francis de Sales

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.